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Newsletter Winter 2014

Newsletter Autumn 2014


2014 Basements and Underground Structures conference

The AGS are delighted to be supporting the 2014 Basements and Underground Structures conference.

Ground Engineering’s 7th annual Basements and Underground Structures conference on the 30 September – 1 October 2014 is a leading industry event focusing on the projects, techniques and guidance which will be critical to the future of this sector.

Whether you are procuring future work, designing complex basements or delivering challenging projects, the event has something for you and will offer you critical insight from leading industry speakers including:

  • Rachel Monteith, principal geotechnical engineer, Sir Robert  McAlpine
  • Chris Smith, senior projects director, Argent
  • Dr Sam Wong, director of engineering and development, Careys
  • John Crack, engineering director, Canary Wharf Contractors
  • Tony Gould, technical director, Groundforce Shorco – Major Projects
  • Tim Lohmann, director, Swanton Consulting
  • Clare Pailing, senior geotechnical engineer, United Utilities Engineering
  • Adrian Thomson, associate director, Mace

To secure your place or to find out more about the event, visit www.gebasements.co.uk


AGS and BDA to join in new Partnership

Representatives from the AGS and the BDA Officers and Secretariat met on Thursday 17th July 2014 to discuss working more closely together, as they had done in the not-so-distant past. The AGS and the BDA are both looking forward to this new partnership, giving both associations a stronger voice when addressing issues and topics that affect all of our members in the ground engineering industry.


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UK Specification for Ground Investigation 2nd Edition:
UK Specification for Ground Investigation provides best practise guidance for designing and executing good- quality site investigation to help reduce increases in time and costs from unexpected ground conditions during construction.

UK Specification for Ground Investigation is an essential document for all ground practitioners involved in ground investigation, including geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, environmental scientists and archaeologists, as well as specialists in other disciplines involved in specific investigations. To purchase this, please visit ICE Publishing: www.icebookshop.com


Recent Publications

Loss Prevention Alert no 56: Danger to Underground Railway Infrastructure from Piling Works

AGS Position Paper - Potable Water Supply Pipes in Land Potentially Affected by Contamination

Client Guide - The Purpose and Use of Geotechnical Reports

Guidance for Carrying out Rig Checks
- Rotary Rig Inspection Sheet
- Cable Percussion Rig Inspection Sheet

Guidance on Fire Safety

Guidance on First Aid at Work

Guidance on Work at Height

Glossary of Useful Professional Indemnity Insurance Phrases

Loss Prevention Alert No 54 - Homeowner held liable for reasonably foreseeable tree root damage

Guidance on Hazardous Gases from Landfill Sites (August 2013)

Guidance on Avoiding Danger from Buried Services (August 2013)

Guidance for Working Oveseas (August 2013)

AGS Position Paper - Laboratory Proficiency Testing (August 2013)

Loss Prevention: Need-To-Know Legal Terms

AGS Newsletter - When is a financial cap not a cap?

Guidance on selecting the correct Respiratory Protective Equipment

Guidance for working Oveseas

AGS Permit to Dig

Guidance on Confined Spaces

Guidance on the use of Excavator Quick Hitches

Guidance on the Safe Excavation of Trial Pits

AGS Interim Guidance: Site Investigation Asbestos Risk Assessment (v2.4 February 2013)

Liabilities arising from checking or reviewing third party designs

Client Guide- Limitations of Liability

AGS Quick Start Guide to Contaminated Land Investigation

Loss Prevention Alert No 52 - Eurocodes – Potential Legal Implications

Loss Prevention Alert No 51 - Expert Witness Immunity Abolished

Loss Prevention Alert No 50 - Use of Google Earth Images in Reports

Loss Prevention Alert No 49 - Damage Caused by Water from Another’s Land

Loss Prevention Alert No 48 - Insurance Cover for Environmental "Clean-up Costs"

Loss Prevention Alert No 47 - Professional Indemnity Insurance Requirement under the NEC3 Professional Services Contract

Risk Issues for Independent Geoprofessionals





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