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AGS Data Transfer

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"Electronic Transfer of Geotechnical and GeoEnvirnomental Data 4 Edition"

This publication is one of several publications that the AGS write and sell.

The document sets out conventions and a format which is designed to allow Geotechnical Data, prepared in electronic format by existing and future computer systems, to be transferred between two organisations using electronic media. The rapid evolution of computer technology and of concepts in its use within the geotechnical industry is acknowledged and the registration of users and updating of the document is catered for. The publication is in its forth edition.

Hardback copies are available on request for an additional fee.

150 pages - electronic.

Download Instructions

To enable you to read and fully understand the benefits of the AGS Format before registering to use it you may download it on a shareware basis . 

You will only be able to download the publication if you have set up a website login account and have activated it. If you have not already done this then  Set up Web Site Login (free of charge) before you proceed.

Once you have downloaded the document you are asked to register it.  This will enable your company name to appear on the list of registered AGS data providers.

Registration Fees (per company).

Price: Members GBP 20.00
Non-members GBP 40.00
(companies who have purchased the Version 2 document may register for only GBP 20.00)

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