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AGS Mission

The aims and objectives of the AGS are to:

  • promote and enhance the quality of professional practice in geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering
  • facilitate close liaison between all geotechnical and geoenvironmental organisations
  • champion and represent the geotechnical and geoenvironmental industry
  • represent and uphold Member's interests in commercial and professional matters
  • agree and publish guidelines on good practice and on ethical and professional matters
  • encourage quality management systems in geotechnical and geoenvironmental work
  • assist and influence decision making within Client organisations

In furtherance of these objectives, meetings and seminars are held each year in various parts of the country and a series of publications have been issued. In addition, a Newsletter is distributed six times a year to key individuals within organisations across all sectors of the industry to publicise the work and progress of the AGS and its working parties and to present informed articles and commentaries on topical issues or events.

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