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The Benefits of being an AGS Member

Membership Provides

  • AGS Publications to meet the needs of industry (discounted to Members)
  • AGS Seminars on topical issues (discounted to Members)
  • Annual seminar to review and update the Electronic Transfer of Geotechnical Data Format
  • AGS Newsletter with articles and comment directly related to Member's interests
  • AGS Membership Directory

Membership of a proactive organisation

  • addresses the commercial needs of quality practitioners in geotechnics and the geoenvironment
  • interacts with insurance and client organisations to achieve better management of project risks
  • promotes a Loss Prevention programme to maximise protection to Members
  • seeks to protect the integrity of geotechnical and geoenvironmental specialists

Membership of Representative organisation

  • Provides a voice on the Ground Forum, the body that represents the main industry participants in Geotechnics and the Geoenvironment
  • Provides the means to lobby Government and the Construction Clients Forum via the Ground Forum and the Construction Industry Council (CIC)

Benefits for Affiliated Client Firms

  • Heighten the profile of the firm and its industry within the geotechnical and geoenvironmental community
  • Demonstrate the firm’s intention to form strong relationships with its suppliers
  • Help the AGS address the issues relevant to the firm and its industry
  • Have access to many of the member benefits listed above
  • All of this at minimal cost

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