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AGS Code of Business Conduct

Applicable to all Corporate and Individual Members of All Grades


The purpose of the Code of Business Conduct

A Code of Business Conduct is provided to define, both for the members and for the general public, the ethical standards to which its members should adhere and uphold.
The code will apply to all members, irrespective of their activities and the countries in which they practise.


All members shall:

    1. lawfully undertake their business activities with integrity and in accordance with best practice, with complete impartiality and objectivity and, in so doing, shall:
      • observe the proper duties of confidentiality owed to appropriate parties;
      • avoid, wherever possible, conflicts of interest;
      • advise affected parties immediately when such conflicts arise; and
      • assess relevant risks and liability and, if appropriate, hold professional indemnity insurance;
    2. only undertake activities for which they are competent and shall disclose relevant limitations of competence;
    3. accept responsibility for work carried out under their supervision;
    4. have full regard for all relevant matters of health and safety;
    5. develop their knowledge, skills and competence on a continuing basis and shall commit to education, training and continuing professional development;
    6. treat all persons fairly, without bias, and with respect;
    7. have full regard for the public interest, including:
      • the environment, including the avoidance of preventable adverse impact to it, and
      • the sustainable management of natural resources.




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